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Award Winning British Statistician and Data Analyst

Jamie Jenkins is the British statistician, data analyst and former Head of Health Policy Research at the Office for National Statistics and Research and Statistical Consultant for the BBC.

With over 19 years of experience dealing in and working with data, to better help policymakers, business owners, established institutions and organisations understand the key issues and problems enveloping the modern world, Jamie Jenkins is the final word in statistical analysis.

As the nation cowers at the alarming updates and death rates, confused, anxious and unsettled, it’s high time we had some clarity and transparency over what exactly is happening in the hospitals, to our people and the economy.

Jamie Jenkins is impartial, he’s neutral, he’s Switzerland. Why? Well, the most fundamental aspect of his job is to present the figures, and those figures will tell their own story. Perhaps therein lies the problem. It may well have been Mark Twain who passed the comment, “figures don’t lie, but liars do figure.

Throughout this pandemic, the world over, we’ve been told to follow the science, science that has been backed up by data. There has been so much data, that even a savant would struggle to keep up.

Just three weeks ago, our very own government scientists performed a slideshow at Downing Street that confused as much as clarified and left not only us mere mortals scratching our heads, but award-winning statisticians like Jamie Jenkins.

Since March we’ve been engulfed by a barrage of numbers and notifications, measures and models, warnings and consequences, and at the very heart of these deterrents has been the justification for lockdown.

Ultimately data tells a story, which story that is, depends wholly on the objective. Jamie Jenkins job is to present the facts, and the facts will tell the truth if you allow them to.

People just want to know what’s really happening. To weigh up the risk and consider the reward. The data and science are what instigate policy response, and if the data and science are wrong or misused then the policy response will surely follow suit.

The world needs transparency now more than ever. The people need to understand exactly what it is we are doing and why we are doing it. There is no excuse at such an important time when people feel anxious and scared, to make a mistake on Microsoft excel that misplaces 16,000 positive test results, to present data that is out of date or use models as cut and dried forecasts.

Jamie Jenkins knows all about data, it’s his livelihood and passion. He shares data to help us better understand the ever-changing world around us, and it’s an absolute pleasure to have him on the show. To better understand the information that has been the beating heart of this pandemic response and the measures that have been put in place.

Download clips

A number of clips from this groundbreaking interview are now available to download, share and repost. Spread the word and defend our human rights: grab these clips today!

1. Media Using Numbers To Shock And Awe Public

2. Chris Whitty & Patrick Vallance Presentation, Cambridge Study

3. Regional VS Nation Wide Measures

4. The Economic Impact Of The Pandemic

5. Excess Deaths Due To Covid

6. Test And Trace

7. Death Classification And Excess Deaths

8. Christmas Holidays And 2021

9. How To Look At Data Correctly

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