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SINGAPORE: A fire broke out at a vehicle workshop at Defu Lane on Friday (Nov 25).

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) was alerted to the incident at 53 Defu Lane 12 at about 6.40pm.

SCDF said black smoke was billowing from the workshop when it arrived at the scene.

The fire involved multiple vehicles parked within the premises and the affected area measured about 10m by 10m, SCDF added.

SCDF firefighters containing the fire. (Photo: Facebook/SCDF)

Firefighters deployed three water jets to contain the fire and prevent it from spreading to neighbouring units.

“The fire was extinguished in about an hour,” SCDF said in its Facebook post, adding that it was carrying out damping down operations.

No injuries were reported. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Black smoke billowing from the scene as captured by an eyewitness. (Photo: CNA eyewitness)
Screenshot of a video sent to CNA by an eyewitness, showing black smoke rising from the scene. (Photo: CNA eyewitness)

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