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It’s been a long time coming, but we’re here now.

Twitter is rolling out new features that its users have long been demanding, including the option to edit tweets and unmention accounts.

READ ALSO: RT: With A $3.5B Stake, Elon Musk Becomes Twitter’s Largest Shareholder

These developments coincide with the announcement of Elon Musk as the platform’s largest shareholder after buying 9.2 percent of its stock.

Wise to revise

Twitter initially posted that it was working on an edit button during April Fools’ Day. It has since cleared the ambiguity by explicitly stating that it has been working on the edit feature since 2021.

we are working on an edit button

— Twitter (@Twitter) April 1, 2022

The edit feature will first come to Twitter Blue, the social network’s monthly subscription service, in the coming months to determine opportunities and what works or doesn’t.

Like being ahead of the curve?

Today, we’re rolling out Labs 🔬, giving you *early access* to some new features we’re building before everyone else like:

🔹 Pinned Conversations on iOS

🔹 Longer video uploads on desktop only

Here are some questions you might be asking:

— Twitter Blue (@TwitterBlue) October 27, 2021

Editing has been the most requested Twitter feature for many years since users want to be able to fix “sometimes embarrassing” mistakes, typos, and hot takes, according to head of consumer product Jay Sullivan. The only existing workaround is to delete and tweet again.

1/ We’ve been exploring how to build an Edit feature in a safe manner since last year and plan to begin testing it within @TwitterBlue Labs in the coming months. Sharing a few more insights on how we’re thinking about Edit 🧵

— Jay Sullivan (@jaysullivan) April 5, 2022

“Without things like time limits, controls, and transparency about what has been edited, Edit could be misused to alter the record of the public conversation. Protecting the integrity of that public conversation is our top priority when we approach this work,” Sullivan wrote.

5/ This is just one feature we are exploring as we work to give people more choice and control over their Twitter experience, foster a healthy conversation, and help people be more comfortable on Twitter. These are the things that motivate us every day.

— Jay Sullivan (@jaysullivan) April 5, 2022

Not to mention

Moreover, Twitter has already released the unmention feature on a limited basis. It has been exploring the option since June 2021 while incorporating feedback from users.

Unmentioning effectively allows users to remove themselves from Twitter conversations they do not wish to be part of.

Sometimes you want to talk, and sometimes you just … don’t.

Check out these early concepts that could help control unwanted attention on Twitter.

Feedback, especially at this beginning stage, is invited (and wanted)! 🧵

— Dominic Camozzi (@_dcrc_) June 14, 2021

“Sometimes you want to talk, and sometimes you just… don’t,” privacy designer Dominic Camozzi explained.

Banner Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash