The Week in Geek: Superbowl trailers, Michael Keaton is back as Batman, and Google launches Bard

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Your weekly roundup for everything nerdy

It’s a good week to be a nerd. A number of new trailers have been released thanks to some sort of sports event about an owl. One of them includes a glimpse at the return of Michael Keaton as the Dark Knight. Meanwhile, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s composer, Stephanie Economou, wins the first Grammy for best video game soundtrack. On the AI side of things, Google has launched Bard to compete with ChatGPT. And finally, scientists have discovered a new exoplanet that may be habitable.

[Image credit: Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destnity trailer/Disney]

Google launched Bard, the last season of Umbrella Academy is underway, new trailers were released thanks to the Superbowl, and Michael Keaton is back as Batman. Here’s what you may have missed this week in geek. 

A bunch of Superbowl trailers dropped

True to Superbowl fashion, a number of trailers dropped this week that got us excited for the many geeky films set to be released this year. We won’t list them all here (but we did do that here), but we loved getting glimpses of Indy on his final adventure and the Guardians gearing up for one last ride. There seem to be a lot of “last hurrahs”.

Michael Keaton is back as Batman!

However, the most talked-about trailer would arguably be The Flash. Aside from the conflicting feelings fans feel because of Ezra Miller’s behaviour and how good the trailer was, the talk of the town is the return of the one and only Michael Keaton as the Caped Crusader—and he kicks some serious ass.

A new trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom 

The long-awaited sequel to Breath of the Wild finally has a new trailer that shows Link fighting off baddies, traversing through the vast open world, and… driving a car? It seems that Link can operate a number of vehicles in this new game to help the player travel. Tears of the Kingdom will be released on May 12 on the Switch.

Google launches Bard, its own chatbot AI

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Image credit: Christian Wiediger/Unsplash

In a move that completely disregards years and years of countless media warning us about the takeover of AI, Google has decided to compete with ChatGPT by launching Bard, its own chatbot. Their experimental AI chat service aims to make use of Google’s almost-limitless encyclopedia of information. However, it had an unimpressive start when it gave the incorrect answer during a demo, which sent the shares of Alphabet, Google’s parent company, plummetting. 

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla composer Stephanie Economou wins a Grammy 

Aside from Beyoncé setting a record, Harry Styles beating Queen B herself, and Ben Affleck having the time of his life, this year’s Grammys also included the first time the Best Score Soundtrack for Video Games and Other Interactive Media category was included. The honour of winning the first Grammy in this category went to composer Stephanie Economou for her work on the Dawn of Ragnarok DLC for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. The presenter may have butchered the name of the game, but it’s great to see the hard work of creatives in video games getting the recognition they deserve.

Our first look at the cast of Umbrella Academy in their last season

The end of the world is nigh yet again as Netflix’s critically acclaimed series gears up for one last season. Production for the fourth and final season is underway with the show’s official accounts releasing a family cast photo featuring all the actors that play the Hargreeves siblings as well as Ritu Arya who plays Lila, Diego’s girlfriend, and showrunner Steve Blackman.

Scientists discover a planet that could possibly be habitable

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This is the moon, not Wolf 1069 b. You try getting a photo of the new planet. (Image credit: Yu Kato/Unsplash)

An Earth-sized planet that scientists have dubbed “Wolf 1069 b” has been discovered and could possibly be habitable. According to the article by IFLScience, Wolf 1069 b is located in what is called the “habitable zone”, meaning “water can exist as liquid, vapor, and ice”. The planet also orbits a star much like ours but with one major difference: only one side of its planet faces the star, meaning half of the planet is eternally dark. The question scientists now want to answer is whether the planet has an atmosphere. Unfortunately, we may have to wait ten years to get the answer to that since telescopes aren’t that advanced yet. 

The Week in Geek: Superbowl trailers, Michael Keaton is back as Batman, and Google launches Bard

Eric E. Surbano

Eric can be found lost in his own world jamming with headphones on while writing when he’s not prepping for a DnD session or researching ‘Star Wars’ galactic history on Wookiepedia. A proud Ravenclaw, he loves playing (and writing about) video games, humming the ‘Doctor Who’ theme under his breath, and rewatching ‘Friends’, ‘New Girl’, and ‘The West Wing’.

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