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Caviar is usually served in a bowl that is put on top of crushed ice. But, another option can be blinis. The taste of blinis that are topped with caviar and smoked salmon is unmatched. However, not many people know how to correctly serve the dish. So, should blinis be hot or cold? Find out everything in our article.

Blinis should never be served cold. One should opt to serve them either at room temperature or warm. When you place the desired caviar and smoked salmon, serve them right away so as to keep them from turning into a soggy mess.

A blini with caviar on top

Should Blinis Be Hot Or Cold?

A mistake that many chefs make is serving blinis cold. This should be avoided at all costs. One can decide whether to serve the dish at room temperature or a bit warm. Therefore, if you’ve been wondering whether the blinis should be refrigerated before serving, the answer is – no.

In case you want to make the blinis one or two days in advance, you need to keep them chilled and covered until it’s time to serve the meal. The best way to reheat the blinis is to cover them with foil and place them in the oven for 15 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

How Should You Serve Caviar And Blinis?

The traditional way of serving and eating caviar in Russia is to have some on a blini which is a Russian pancake. You can have just caviar on a warm blini, but the other option is to top the blini first with fresh herbs, sour cream, boiled eggs, chopped chives, and chopped onions. We recommend combining fresh dill and sour cream. It’s a perfect spread to put on the blini before you place some caviar on top.

Cocktail blinis with crayfish, caviar and sour cream

The Recipe For Preparing Blinis With Caviar

Preparing blinis for a dinner or cocktail party can be accomplished by following our simple recipe. Instead of keeping the blinis chilled and covered for two days before the party, one can opt to prepare them two weeks in advance and keep them in the freezer until you are ready to heat them up in the oven and serve them. Here you will find a detailed recipe for this mouthwatering and delectable caviar appetizer.

What Ingredients Do You Need?

Collect all the ingredients from our table and keep in mind the quantity. In case you’d like to add a new ingredient or experiment with different garnishes, you are free to change the recipe. However, our original ingredients are enough for this incredible meal.

Ingredient Quantity
Whole wheat flour ¼ cup
Active dry yeast 1 ¼ teaspoon
Buckwheat flour ½ cup
Sifted all-purpose flour 2 cups
Warm water 1 cup
Eggs 3
Salt ½ teaspoon
Butter 2 tablespoons
Vegetable oil
Caviar ( Choose the type you want – black caviar, red caviar, beluga caviar or osetra caviar) 4 or 6 ounces
Crème fraîche 1 pint
Milk 1 cup

Instructions For Making the Blinis

Once you have all the ingredients and kitchen tools required for this recipe, you can follow our instructions. The recipe is not complex and challenging at all. Once you get the hang of it, all the steps will fall into place:

  • First, take a bowl and combine buckwheat flour, whole wheat flour, one cup of all-purpose flour, warm water, sugar, and yeast. Stir the mixture with a mixing spoon until you get the ingredients to properly combine. Then, place the bowl with the mixture in the kitchen and cover it with plastic wrap. It should sit from one hour to one and a half hours.
  • Pour one cup of milk into a saucepan and heat it up. Don’t boil the milk, but keep the temperature under a boil. Once it is heated up, you can set it aside.
  • Next, take another bowl and whisk three egg yolks with salt and add a bit of butter in order to make the mixture smooth. Add milk and all-purpose flour, and continue whisking until the mixture combines. When you notice that the batter has become smooth, cover it and let it rise for about 30 minutes.
  • All egg whites that have remained can be poured into a smaller bowl. Beat them until the foam rises. It should be added to the batter.
  • Finally, it’s time to fry the blinis. Use a nonstick pan and warm some vegetable oil. Take your tablespoon, take some batter and place it in the saucepan. Every side of the blini needs to be cooked for approximately two to three minutes, not more. Bear in mind that you should crowd the saucepan with a lot of blinis. Keep the blinis apart from each other during cooking.
  • The last step is to serve the blinis. Take one tablespoon of crème fraîche and caviar and place them on the blini. Serve them while they are warm. This caviar dish will be worth it in the end.

Extra Tips You Can Use To Make The Blinis Perfect

Use our helpful tips to elevate the taste of the blinis. The first tip is not to keep the skillet over a high temperature since the blinis can start to burn. But, if the temperature is not high enough, they will end up too oily. The best thing to do is keep the temperature at a 4 or 5.

The second tip is to make use of a cookie scoop if you want the blinis to be in the right proportions. They will cook evenly, and they will all look the same.

The third piece of advice is to make the batter liquid. Thick batter is not good for making blinis fluffy and smooth. In case the batter is not liquid enough, take ¾ cup of milk and add it to the batter.

Served blinis with caviar

Serve Delicious Blinis With The Finest Caviar Like A Connoisseur

Caviar blini is a great appetizer for any special event. Keeping them at room temperature or warming them in the oven or the microwave just before serving the meal is the best way to preserve the delicious taste. One can choose to make them a couple of days or a week in advance. The most important thing to remember is that blinis should never be cold. Use our recipe and impress all your guests with a memorable dish.