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Charlene has been rarely seen with her family since she spent some ten months in South Africa last year, recovering from complications caused by a sinus infection. The royal briefly returned to Monaco in November 2021, where she was reunited with her husband and seven-year-old twins, before checking into a facility outside of the principality, where she underwent further treatment for her condition.

According to the Mail Online, Charlene has faced a variety of health problems in recent months –  including what the palace has previously referred to as a ‘state of profound general fatigue’. In November, Prince Albert told People magazine that his wife was ‘clearly exhausted, physically and emotionally. She was overwhelmed and couldn’t face official duties, life in general or even family life’. Earlier this year, however, the Prince reported to a local newspaper Monaco-Matin, that: ‘Princess Charlene is doing much better, and I hope she will be back in the principality very soon.’ 

Princess Charlene of Monaco and Princess Gabriella of Monaco 

SC Pool – Corbis