“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” — Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park (1993)
Did the world need a robotic hamburger vending machine? Who knows, but a company in New Jersey called RoboBurger made one anyway.
RoboBurger has unveiled the world’s first hamburger vending machine — or “the world’s first burger robot in a box”. Are there burger robots that aren’t in boxes? I don’t know. Frankly, I don’t want to know! But I do love a good burger — we organised a whole awards thing for exactly that reason — and one of my favourite sips in Hong Kong comes from a vending machine, so colour me intrigued.
RoboBurger: The World’s First Hamburger Vending Machine
RoboBurger promises their robot delivers hot, freshly prepared burgers in under five minutes, for only US$5.99 (approx. HK$48). Using a “5 Step Cooking Process, similar to what chefs use in a traditional restaurant,” the frozen patty is grilled, the bun is toasted and the condiments are dispensed to your preferences.
Its creators plan to bring this system to airports, malls and more across the next few months — and when they’re ready to bring it to Hong Kong, we’ll be ready, too.
In the meantime, the delicious burgers made by our city’s most talented are proof that there’s some things robots still can’t do. And whether you’re craving a burger in every district of Hong Kong, or simply looking for the best of the best, we’ve got you covered.
And as for RoboBurger, you can find it at the Newport Mall in Jersey City, NJ. Worth the seven-day return-trip quarantine? That’s for you to decide.
The post Hamburger vending machine. Hamburger vending machine! appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Hong Kong.