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CEO and founder of Oddle, Jonathan Lim.
CEO and founder of Oddle, Jonathan Lim. (Photo: Veronica Tay)

With a shortage of manpower and rising costs in a post-pandemic world, running a restaurant in Singapore has become more challenging. A food establishment’s best future-proofing strategy is to know its customers, says Jonathan Lim, CEO and founder of F&B technology company Oddle.

Besides an e-commerce platform for deliveries and takeaways, it also provides restaurant management solutions, such as online reservations, QR code ordering systems, and payment terminals.

The EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2022 Singapore (Food and Beverage Solutions) says: “Re-engaging customers is the best way to increase sales since customer retention is cheaper than acquisition. By capturing customer data through the various touch points in the food ordering journey, we can understand dining habits such as ordering frequency and preferences.” Oddle also helps restaurants re-engage with their customers by having them send exclusive menus and bundles via emails and text messages.

It was only earlier this year that Oddle, which started as a food e-commerce platform in 2014, expanded into restaurant solutions. With restaurants such as PizzaExpress Singapore tapping into these services, they now represent 15 per cent of the company’s revenue. Currently, Oddle has 7,000 eateries on its platforms across four markets, including Malaysia, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

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