Leading Indian film star and global icon Deepika Padukone is reportedly invited to unveil the coveted FIFA World Cup 2022 trophy at the finale that is to be held on 18 December at Lusail Stadium in Qatar. This information has sent a wave of excitement amongst Indian football and Bollywood fans as Padukone will be the first-ever Indian to unveil the FIFA World Cup 2022 trophy, in its entire sporting history.
As per reports, the Pathaan actress is set to fly to Qatar to do the honours in a jam-packed stadium brimming with global fans. This sure will give India great representation at such a prestigious event cutting class, ethnicity and geographical borders.
The buzz around Deepika Padukone apart from FIFA World Cup 2022 event
Other than the FIFA World Cup 2022 news, the actor has been in the headlines this year and it is all for good reasons. Padukone was selected as one of the jury members at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival 2022. She also is set to make her sensational presence felt alongside Shah Rukh Khan in the upcoming flick, Pathaan which is scheduled to release on 25 January 2023.
She will also be seen with her Piku co-star Amitabh Bachchan for Project K. And, she was recently trending for her fun cameo with hubby Ranveer Singh in his upcoming Rohit Shetty directorial, Cirkus.
She is making great strides as an entrepreneur too after recently launching her skincare brand 82°E.
(Main and featured image credit: Deepika Padukone/Instagram)