What To Pack For A Road Trip: The Essential List

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So, you’re hitting the open road! There’s nothing quite like the freedom of setting off on the journey of a lifetime. Aside from choosing where to go and what to do, you might be wondering what to actually bring with you. Space is a luxury you don’t have, and cutthroat decisions will have to be made. The good news is, because of the space limitations, packing for a road trip should be pretty straightforward. Let’s get started with our handy guide on what to pack for a road trip: the essential list.

What to Pack for a Road Trip: The Essential List

Car essentials

This is your new home for the next however long. Make sure you take care of it, and it will take care of you. 

Personal essentials

Looking after your car is important, but taking care of yourself is crucial. Don’t scrimp on yourself – get everything you need to feel clean and comfortable. 

Technology essentials

Other essentials

Now that you know what to pack for a road trip, get out on that open road and have a blast!

The post What To Pack For A Road Trip: The Essential List appeared first on Big 7 Travel.

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