Ukraine’s Accidental Bombing Of Poland Exposed The Logical Fallacies Of A Top Pro-Kiev Blogger

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According to this former Italian serviceman who presently serves as a film industry executive in Kiev and Vienna according to his Twitter bio, “Poland called the russian ambassador in & asked for Article IV, and the G7 got together for an emergency meeting. Poland, G7, NATO would not do all this if this was just an errant interceptor missile.” Actually, it turns out that they did do all this despite Tuesday evening’s incident being caused by an errant Ukrainian interceptor missile as is now known.

Nobody’s perfect and even the most well-intended people make mistakes, especially when covering a military conflict. There’s no shame in getting something wrong or falling under the influence of fake news, but those who do so and also command some sway in shaping others’ perceptions should always publicly account for what happened, especially if the problem was an error of judgement. That’s precisely the case when it comes to Thomas C. Theiner, who’s one of the top pro-Kiev bloggers.

His Twitter audience of 90,000 followers was misled by his series of tweets extending credence to Kiev’s nowdebunked conspiracy theory alleging that Russia bombed Poland on November 15 evening and not one of its errant malfunctioning air defense missiles. To that end, he explained that a nearby Polish radar installation, a similarly close US Patriot battery, and an AWACS plane tracked the missile, all of which is factual. Theiner, however, then distorted reality in the tweets that followed.

According to this former Italian serviceman who presently serves as a film industry executive in Kiev and Vienna according to his Twitter bio, “Poland called the russian ambassador in & asked for Article IV, and the G7 got together for an emergency meeting. Poland, G7, NATO would not do all this if this was just an errant interceptor missile.” Actually, it turns out that they did do all this despite Tuesday evening’s incident being caused by an errant Ukrainian interceptor missile as is now known.

Polish President Andrzej Duda told reporters on Wednesday that “Most likely, a missile made by Russia in the 1970s has fallen on Polish territory. We have no evidence that it was launched by Russia.” This was preceded by US President Joe Biden reportedly telling his country’s G7 and NATO partners earlier that day that a Ukrainian air defense missile was responsible according to a source from that anti-Russian alliance that spoke to Reuters.

Thus, there’s no doubt that Theiner’s entire thinking was wrong, which throws into question other supposedly logical sequences of events that he passed off as truth to his audience but which might also have been nothing but fallacies. This particular one is incredibly damning to his credibility since it shows that he’s failed to grasp Kiev’s cunningness in manipulating its supporters, which thus means that it’s very likely that he too has been hoodwinked by them and probably has been this entire time.

US president Joe Biden, German chancellor Olaf Scholz, French president Emmanuel Macron, Spain’s prime minister Pedro Sanchez, Britain’s Rishi Sunak and Canada’s Justin Trudeau discuss the Poland missile strike with their foreign ministers at the G20 Summit in Bali

The Russian-friendly corner of the Alt-Media Community (AMC) is addicted to “copium”, which refers to the combination of “5D chess” conspiracy theories and wishful thinking that result in framing their favored side of the Ukrainian Conflict as “always winning”. So too, however, can it be said that its Ukrainian-friendly corner is also suffering from the exact same problem as evidenced by Theiner’s discredited fallacy related to his innuendo that Russia bombed Poland, which was exposed as fake news.

There aren’t any grounds to suspect that he deliberately deceived his audience by going along with what he would have known in that scenario was a false flag conspiracy theory for provoking World War III. Rather, he serves as a perfect example of how well-intended folks can easily be misled by their favored side’s information warfare operations in those conflicts that they closely cover. Theiner can’t countenance that he was exploited as Kiev’s “useful idiot” for laundering its latest conspiracy theory.

What’s so regrettable about this is that his prior work on the Karabakh Conflict was very accurate and informative. He rightly earned a reputation as someone whose work could be taken seriously, especially with respect to military affairs. Folks can still support Russia in the Ukrainian Conflict while nevertheless recognizing that Theiner is an interesting blogger to follow, which is why everyone should hope that he publicly accounts for his fallacy, admits that he was manipulated, and doesn’t resort to “copium”.

Source: the author’s blog

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