The Rose Milk Tea Cocktail by ATIAN Gin

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While most warm cocktails tend to favor whiskey or rum, the delicate botanical flavors of a premium gin make an unexpected – and delicious – hot serve. In the Rose Milk Tea, ATIAN Gin’s citrussy notes and hints of fynbos (which is most often compared to chamomile) pair beautifully with the fragrant flavors of rose tea.

Carefully crafted in South Africa, ATIAN Gin uses no less than 13 hand-picked and locally sourced botanicals to create its rose-colored spirit, with the aim of bottling the country’s distinct flavors. Using a state-of-the-art vapor distilling process – whereby steam is used to extract the ingredient’s oils – ATIAN captures these flavors in a heightened way, creating a complex, powerful gin bursting with unique notes of cardamom, grapefruit and rose.

It’s not all delicious gin and intriguing cocktails though – ATIAN also has a conscious. As well as going to great lengths to ensure each of its botanicals is sustainably sourced, the brand has partnered with FynbosLIFE – a Cape Town-based non-profit dedicated to protecting local plant species. Through a combination of education, conservation and rehabilitation, the charity is working to maintain the region’s highly threatened lowland fynbos’ natural habitat – without which, ATIAN would not exist.

[See also: Delicious Cocktail Recipes for World Gin Day]

Throughout the month of October, for every bottle ordered online ATIAN has also pledged to donate $3 directly to Dolphins Challenge Cancer, with all funds supporting Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. As part of the University of Miami Health System and the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, the center is dedicated to developing and delivering world-class cancer care.

As part of its partnership with Dolphins Challenge Cancer, the brand will also be donating $1 for every ATIAN cocktail sold at selected bars and restaurants across South Florida throughout the month.


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– 1.5 oz. ATIAN Rose Gin

– 0.5 oz honey

– 4 oz rose tea (steeped)

– 1.5 oz whole milk (or milk of choice)

– dried rose petals


Add the gin and honey to a glass before topping with rose tea. Stir well, add a dash of milk and finish with dried rose petals to garnish.

See more Cocktail of the Week recipes here.

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