PM Lee congratulates Chinese President Xi on reappointment as Communist Party leader

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SINGAPORE: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Tuesday (Oct 25) congratulated Chinese President Xi Jinping on his reappointment as the general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Mr Lee also sent a congratulatory letter to new Politburo Standing Committee member Li Qiang, who is on track to become China’s next premier.

“Please accept my warmest congratulations on your re-appointment as General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and the success of the 20th National Congress of the CPC,” Mr Lee wrote in his letter to Mr Xi.

“You continue to lead the CPC and China at an important juncture in China’s development amidst a complex global environment.

“I am confident that under your able leadership, China will continue to progress towards its long-term goals, overcome its challenges and enjoy many more years of stability and prosperity.”

Mr Lee reflected on Singapore-China ties and said that the two countries should continue to work together.

“Singapore and China enjoy excellent relations underpinned by regular high-level exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation,” he wrote.

“Our bilateral cooperation has evolved over the years and expanded into new areas, in tandem with our respective development priorities.

“We should continue to work together to broaden and deepen our cooperation in the years ahead.”

Concluding his letter, Mr Lee wrote: “I look forward to meeting you soon, and working with you and your colleagues to further strengthen relations between our two countries. I wish you good health and every success.”


Congratulating Mr Li on his appointment to the 20th CPC Central Committee Politburo Standing Committee, Mr Lee wrote of the “substantive relationship” between Singapore and China.

“Our three Government-to-Government projects – the Suzhou Industrial Park, the Tianjin Eco-City and the Chongqing Connectivity Initiative – continue to be successful examples of what our countries can achieve together,” he said. 

“Our multifaceted and forward-looking cooperation has progressed steadily over the years, expanding into new areas such as the digital and green economies.

“I am confident that Singapore-China relations will continue to flourish with the incoming Chinese leadership and as our countries work towards the full restoration of air connectivity.”

Mr Lee recalled his last meeting with Mr Li as he rounded off his letter.

“I warmly recall our discussions when we last met in Shanghai in 2018,” he said, adding that he looked forward to meeting Mr Li again and working closely with him and his colleagues to strengthen bilateral relations. 

“I wish you every success in your new appointment.”

The CPC Central Committee elected Mr Xi as its general secretary for another five-year term on Oct 23.

The 69-year-old is expected to officially secure a historic third term as China’s president, due to be formally announced during the government’s annual legislative sessions next March.

Mr Li, a former Shanghai party chief and a confidante of Mr Xi’s, was elevated to the number two position on the seven-man Standing Committee, making him likely to be named premier during the same sessions.

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