Event attendee David Le takes a look at the off roading vehicles on display for the Off Road Meet Up and Show at Lucky Luke Brewing Company in Valencia, Calif., on Sunday, Feb. 19, 2023. Chris Torres/The Signal

From the dirt-splattered and rusted to the pristine — a variety of lifted trucks, buggies and even Porsches were rounded up and displayed at the Off Road Meet Up & Show at Lucky Luke Brewery on Sunday.  

Attendees drank beer, played cornhole, mingled and appreciated the many offroad vehicles lined along the courtyard and parking lot.  

The show was presented by Hardline Land Co., an off-road enthusiast group that sells merchandise and organizes meet-ups such as the one on Sunday. 

Rommel Estrada, the Founder and CEO of Hardline Land Co., takes a look at the back of his vehicle on display for the Off Road Meet Up and Show at Lucky Luke Brewing Company in Valencia, Calif., on Sunday, Feb. 19, 2023. Chris Torres/The Signal

Co-founder of Hardline and event organizer, Marcel Masoumi, said the company started out as just a small group of friends and grew from there. The off-road show was the first large-scale event the company has held. 

“I love it, absolutely love it. Always puts a smile on my face to see everybody having a good time and everybody interacting and checking out other people’s builds,” said Masoumi. “It gets people talking. The whole thing about the off-road community is the community part. You know, that’s what’s important —  getting people to link up with other people that have different experiences helps everybody out.” 

Masoumi said watching the company grow from just a few friends getting together to compare builds to now organizing events that draw in the amount of people who showed up on Sunday — more than 100 — is a great experience.  

A puppy sits in front of the off roading vehicles on display for the Off Road Meet Up and Show at Lucky Luke Brewing Company in Valencia, Calif., on Sunday, Feb. 19, 2023. Chris Torres/The Signal

“We’re out here for a good time. We love to grow the off-road community from every walk of life,” said Masoumi. “We got kids barely coming into it, you have seasoned veterans out there that have been doing it for 30 or 40 years. That’s what’s great about it — it gets everybody together with a common ground.” 

Brett Meugniot, an attendee and representative of Yukon Gear & Axle, said he was impressed with the turnout of the event.  

“Great turnout… People are coming down. You got guys coming from the Inland Empire, we have guys coming from all over the place,” said Meugniot. “So to see him get drinks out and everything like that — it’s great because, it’s just always a good time.” 

Masoumi said because of the good turnout, more of these types of events in the Santa Clarita Valley should be expected.  

A Michelangelo figurine is placed on the front of an off road vehicle on display for the Off Road Meet Up and Show at Lucky Luke Brewing Company in Valencia, Calif., on Sunday, Feb. 19, 2023. Chris Torres/The Signal
Event attendee Scott Wilson talks with his friend Brett Meugniot next to his ‘Toyota Truggy’ on display for the Off Road Meet Up and Show at Lucky Luke Brewing Company in Valencia, Calif., on Sunday, Feb. 19, 2023. Chris Torres/The Signal
Multiple jeeps, buggies and other off-roading vehicles are on display for the Off Road Meet Up and Show at Lucky Luke Brewing Company in Valencia, Calif., on Sunday, Feb. 19, 2023. Chris Torres/The Signal

Trevor Morgan

Trevor Morgan covers community, culture, health and breaking news for The Signal. Before coming to Santa Clarita, he was the online editor for Cal State University Northridge’s student newspaper, The Daily Sundial. He holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from CSUN and an associate’s degree in music from Ventura College. Have a tip? Message him on twitter @trevorwmorgan or at [email protected]

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