Japan relaxes all COVID-19 travel warnings

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It seems that those residing in Japan can start reaffirming their festive and holiday plans with a breath of ease now. The rest of the cautionary warnings on nonessential travel plans to foreign countries over COVID-19 were relaxed by the Japanese government on Wednesday. This follows the reduction of its travel warnings for 76 areas and countries along with Taiwan and Australia.

The Foreign Ministry of Japan relaxes COVID-19 travel warnings to these countries

According to a report published by Kyodo News, the Foreign Ministry has marked down travel warnings for destinations including Turkey, New Zealand and Mexico. On its four-point scale, it went from the second-lowest Level 2 to Level 1, which further instructs citizens of Japan travelling to those regions to “stay fully alert” to be on the safer side.

The modification in Japan’s COVID-19 travel warnings

Image Credit: Jay Lo/Unsplash

This declaration by the ministry came into being because of the decent percentage of global improvement in the infection status. In addition, the discontinuation of COVID-19 travel warnings of countries and areas by the Group of Seven industrialised nations. The ministry states that the 76 regions and countries constitute 39 from Africa and the Middle East, 11 from Latin America, and 20 from Europe.

Japan aims to restore its inflowing tourism sector

(Image credit: Clay Banks/Unsplash)

125 countries and areas as Level 1 was assigned by Japan, close to August. However, if the idea of planning a tour abroad is on the way, then getting fully vaccinated should still be prioritised in all manners, to avoid the widespread COVID-19 infection further. The nation targets to restore its distressing inflowing tourism sector by lifting border restrictions that had been reviewed as too rigid.

Following the same, the government discarded 50,000 person cap on daily arrivals last week, leading to the development of this measure on Wednesday.

Japan terminated its mandatory conditions and restrictions on travelling

Image Credit: Tsukada Kazuhiro

Furthermore, Japan terminated the mandatory condition of tourists travelling on package tours, along with visitors acquiring a visa if they are natives of one of 68 regions and countries with which Japan had a foregoing agreement pre-pandemic.

(Hero and featured image credit: Redd/Unsplash)

This article was first published on Travel + Leisure India.

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