House Tour: This Good Class Bungalow in Novena has a sprawling basement lobby

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On paper, this Good Class Bungalow appears to have the perfect storm of challenges.

Located in Novena, it sits on a fan-shaped plot in a dense neighbourhood. The curved edge, which is also its longest, runs along the bend of an arterial road, resulting in high vehicular and foot traffic.

Fortunately, the owner’s “light brief” made the project relatively straightforward for Robin Tan and Yong Mien Huei, the design team from Wallflower Architecture + Design, the firm commissioned for the project.

In addition to comfortably accommodating a family of four, the owner, a property developer, wanted the house to resemble a classy resort. Most importantly, he wanted to live away from prying eyes.

Related: House Tour: Four families live in this mega bungalow with separate living quarters

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