Film about ‘mafia’s involvement’ in JFK’s assassination is currently in the works

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Sam’s daughter, Bonnie Giancana, will also serve as a consultant and executive producer on the project. Nicholas has revealed how he heard stories about the assassination from his family, and how he now feels certain they were involved. ‘I feel very solid about all of it,’ he said. ‘My Uncle Joe, we called him Pepe, he was with Giancana those two days when the other guys were down in Dallas […] The story I got, I got from him. The story of the underbelly that pulled it off. When I gave the script to Bonnie Giancana to read, she said you’re about 85 per cent correct.’

Theories of the mob’s involvement in Kennedy’s death are common, although unfounded. One story goes (and the theory most in tune with 2 Days/1963) that several mafia ‘families’ had allegedly worked with JFK’s father, the wealthy American businessman, Joseph Kennedy, to get JFK elected. When news of JFK’s vicious crackdown on organised crime throughout the country reached the ears of mafia bosses (after Kennedy had promised a relaxed approach to mob activity from his son), the supposed ‘act of revenge’ was planned. 

Some suspect that Lee Oswald, JFK’s official shooter, was set up by mafia representatives in Dallas to kill the president. Given his past criminal activity and history of mental instability, Oswald appeared a good fit for ‘the random act of killing’ that the mafia would need to remain undercover. Supposed ‘evidence’ for this theorises that Jack Ruby, the club owner that killed Oswald following his arrest (‘in a bid to keep him silent’), was an associate of Giancana. 

David Mamet 

Ernesto S. Ruscio/Getty Images

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