Demi Lovato explained which pronouns she now prefers

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Demi Lovato just clarified which pronouns she prefers. The singer previously established a preference for they/them pronouns, but she’s using she/her pronouns again, she shared during a recent episode of the Spout podcast hosted by Tamara Dhia.

“I’ve actually adopted the pronouns of she/her again,” said Lovato after Dhia asked her to explain her chosen pronouns of they/them for someone who might not understand the concept. “For me, I’m such a fluid person,” she continued. “Especially last year, my energy was balanced in my masculine and feminine energy so that when I was faced with the choice of walking into a bathroom and it said ‘women’ and ‘men,’ I didn’t feel like there was a bathroom for me because I didn’t feel necessarily like a woman. I didn’t feel like a man. I just felt like a human.”

Demi Lovato on her recent choice of pronouns

Lately, though, she’s felt differently, said the singer on the podcast. “Recently, I’ve been feeling more feminine, and so I’ve adopted she/her again,” she said. “But I think what’s important is, like, nobody’s perfect. Everyone messes up pronouns at some point, and especially when people are learning. It’s just all about respect.”

This comes a little more than one year after Lovato first shared that she identifies as non-binary and would use the pronouns they/them moving forward while speaking on her podcast 4D with Demi Lovato. “Over the past year-and-a-half, I’ve been doing some healing and self-reflective work, and through this work, I’ve had the revelation that I identify as non-binary. With that said, I’ll officially be changing my pronouns to they/them,” she explained. “I feel that this best represents the fluidity I feel in my gender expression and allows me to feel most authentic and true to the person I both know I am and still am discovering.”

She’s since been open about her experience adjusting to using new pronouns, sharing that it’s okay if people accidentally misgender her if their intentions are in the right place. “As long as you keep trying to respect my truth, and as long as I remember my truth, the shift will come naturally,” she wrote in the caption of a since-deleted Instagram post in July 2021. “…It’s all about your intention. It’s important to me that you try, but if you make a mistake, it’s okay.”

While she made it clear in her recent podcast appearance she currently prefers she/her pronouns, Lovato’s Instagram bio now lists they/them/she/her as her pronouns.

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