8 reasons why resistance training should be part of your next workout

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Resistance training is not a new form of exercise, but its many benefits are sometimes overlooked. Here is why it should be added to your next gym session, if it is not on your to-do list already.

According to fitness expert, Nick English from BarBend, there are added benefits that strength training has on general health and wellbeing. There are surprising plus points that that resistance training can have that goes well beyond the “lifting to look good” approach. However it is much more than just simply hitting the weights room to look bigger or stronger.

[Hero and featured image credit: Victor Freitas/Unsplash]

8 benefits that come with resistance training that you probably didn’t know about

Improved Brain Function

(Image: meo/Pexels)

Weight training has been proven to slow the rate of brain shrinkage, a common occurrence with age. Regular resistance training improves critical thinking skills and recall ability, with early practice having a greater effect in later life. This is because progressive resistance training increases protein activation, so in the case of BDNF, a protein that is used to develop new brain cells, greater activation means more brain cells, in turn reducing the likelihood of mental decline and the onset of certain neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s.

Reduction in Blood Cholesterol Levels

Heavy resistance training has been known to help reduce body fat, and this, in turn, correlates to blood cholesterol levels. In one study, heavy strength training for 14 weeks significantly reduced cholesterol levels and, therefore, the onset of heart disease. It’s highly recommended that individuals carry out cardiovascular and resistance training for the most effective fat loss strategy.

Reduced Anxiety

(Image: Suzy Hazelwood/Pexels)

Several studies have suggested that strength training could be the most effective form of exercise to reduce anxiety. This is because resistance training causes neurological adaptions in the brain by rewiring neurone pathways. Although many studies have shown the benefits of exercise and resistance training in relation to mental health issues, you should speak to a medical practitioner first if you think you may be experiencing symptoms.

Reduced Stroke Risk

It’s commonly known that physical activity reduces stroke risk. Most studies don’t express differences between aerobic and resistance training, but lower grip strength has been found to greatly influence stroke risk, leading to the association with strength training.

Improved Posture

(Image: Fausto Sandoval/Unsplash)

Posture is a significant contributor to back pain, so improving posture is important to prevent any discomfort or pain. Strength training can improve your core and strengthen the muscles that aid good posture, like those in the hips, spine, and shoulders. A fact that often surprises people is the benefits that good posture also has on mental function and cognition.

Activated Genes

The genes you’re born with aren’t the be-all and end-all of your genetic makeup. Resistance training can play a big part too. Strength training activates specific genes, reprogramming your genetic makeup. It has been associated with improved protein synthesis, response to physical stressors, and immunity, all things influenced by genes.


(Image: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels)

Some studies have suggested that performing physical activity with co-workers or peers can greatly reduce work-related stress and improve quality of life, not to mention the social benefits of training together. Group sessions, or even just a workout partner, can have a great influence on motivation, or even spotting, which can improve your workout as well as create a good bonding experience.

Improved Sleep Quality

(Image: Eren Li/Pexels)

A big part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle is sleep, so it is very important to be well-rested. Weight training is one of the most supported physical activities for improving rest quality, with some research suggesting that strength training is just as effective to help sleep as certain medications.

The post 8 reasons why resistance training should be part of your next workout appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

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