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Russia’s allegations of Ukraine’s US-backed bioweapons program are credible since they align with America’s consistently hostile intentions driven by its self-interested desire to destroy its historical rival through Hybrid War. Had President Putin not ordered his country’s special operation when he did, it’s very likely that Ukraine would have soon obtained these weapons and leveraged them with US support into blackmailing Russia into submission.

The Russian Ministry of Defense shared the startling revelation on Sunday that the US was allegedly helping Ukraine illegally manufacture bioweapons. According to spokesman Igor Konashenkov, Kiev recently ordered the destruction of these pathogens and documents connected to related experiments out of panic following the onset of Russia’s special military operation in that neighboring former Soviet Republic. Sputnik published a detailed report about this development that should be read by those who aren’t already familiar with the sensitive issue of US biolabs popping up around Russia’s borders.

US biolabs in Ukraine mapGreatGameIndia also reported just days before the Russian Defense Ministry’s revelation that “US Embassy Removes All Evidence Of Ukraine Bioweapons Lab”, within which the outlet also linked to archived materials from that official diplomatic site confirming the existence of these facilities. America officially denies these allegations and has consistently maintained that its foreign biolabs don’t produce illegal weapons, though Russia suspects that its rival isn’t being sincere. High-profile concerns about the safety and strategic intent of these facilities were voiced by Russian officials in 2020 and 2021.

All of this information must understandably confuse the average news consumer, who’s probably already overwhelmed by everything that’s been going on over the past two weeks, not to mention the last two years since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s of course up to everyone to reach their own conclusions about whether Russia’s reports of Ukraine’s US-backed bioweapons program are bogus or believable, but the author is convinced that this is a very real and serious issue since it complements Russia’s earlier concerns about Ukraine’s US-backed nuclear weapons program.

America’s grand strategic agenda in Ukraine is to turn that fraternal country into a so-called “anti-Russia” in the sense of maintaining its fascist-nationalist proxies’ leadership over Kiev’s permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”). The gradual imposition of their Russophobic ideology onto the rest of society will ultimately turn the majority of its people against that neighboring nation, which in turn will result in them supporting the radical authorities’ US-encouraged warmongering that’s driven by their outdated, discredited, and ultra-hateful ideology.

Seeing as how the US is sheltered from the consequences of its deadly divide-and-rule designs on the other half of the world, Americans wouldn’t be as adversely affected if their government’s fascist proxies in Kiev launched biological, chemical, or even nuclear attacks against Russia. President Putin already revealed on 24 February during his address to the nation that “the showdown between Russia and these forces cannot be avoided. It is only a matter of time. They are getting ready and waiting for the right moment.”

He further elaborated that NATO clandestinely established military infrastructure in Ukraine ahead of a planned surprise attack against Russia that would presumably come after the US neutralizes its target’s nuclear second-strike capabilities through the continued regional deployment of “anti-missile systems” and strike weapons. Ukraine was therefore intended to serve as the US-led West’s anti-Russian proxy platform for dealing a coup de grace to its historical rival in the very near future, one which President Putin prudently preempted through his decisive intervention.

It’s therefore not unbelievable that the US did indeed support Ukraine’s alleged nuclear and bioweapon programs with the intent of bolstering its military-strategic capabilities as the “anti-Russian” entity that it envisioned that country indefinitely remaining. Equipping it with such weapons of mass destruction (WMD) could completely change the Kremlin’s grand strategic calculations by perpetually putting it on the defensive ahead of blackmailing the Eurasian Great Power through such means into undertaking incessant unilateral concessions aimed at ultimately dismantling it from within.

All of this insight suggests that Russia’s allegations of Ukraine’s US-backed bioweapons program are credible since they align with America’s consistently hostile intentions driven by its self-interested desire to destroy its historical rival through Hybrid War. Assisting Ukraine’s development of such WMDs would be a literal game-changer and thus give the US the indefinite edge over Russia. Had President Putin not ordered his country’s special operation when he did, it’s very likely that Ukraine would have soon obtained these weapons and leveraged them with US support into blackmailing Russia into submission.