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A whole new calendar year often comes with a ton of anticipation, excitement, and — let’s be honest — at least a sprinkle of anxiety as you realise just how many question marks fill the next 12 months. But those very same question marks can be equally motivating, as they create space for endless possibilities. But how do astrological events impact these possibilities?

Maybe you’ve been contemplating training for your first-ever 5K or investing in your everyday wellness by getting an under-desk treadmill for a few months now. Or, you might currently be considering working more closely with a therapist to prioritise your mental health. No matter what idea or goal you’ve been batting around, in 2023, you’ll have a blank slate to pursue it. And you’re sure to find success with a little guidance from the planetary movements of the year.

Ahead, everything you need to know about astrology in 2023, including the major astrological events and how they’ll affect your well-being and growth. Plus, you’ll learn how to use these astrological events to your advantage and boost your mental well-being, physical health, relationships, and beyond.

What to know about 2023’s main astrological events

astrological events
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Though you might usually itch to hit the ground running come the first of any year, this year may feel different. 2023 kicks off with a double whammy of astrological events that can tank your energy: Mercury (the planet of communication) and Mars (the planet of action) are both retrograde for the first few weeks of the year. It’s possible to feel pretty much the opposite of fired up, craving hibernation more than you typically would mid-winter and being exhausted by delays, setbacks, and miscommunication galore.

The good news? On January 12, Mars ends its backspin in curious mutable air sign Gemini, which began on October 30. And on the 18th, Mercury gets back on track in the industrious cardinal earth sign Capricorn. These planetary shifts won’t be like a light switch, by any means. But you’ll slowly be better able to gather information, connect with others, and self-motivate in a way that allows you to build momentum on your wellness aspirations.

Just ahead of spring, on March 7, Saturn (the planet of hard work, boundaries, and commitment), makes a major move into Pisces for the first time since 1996. This mutable water sign is known for being particularly empathic and mystical. Until 2025, this transit can support your efforts to get serious about spiritual pursuits (think: meditation or energy healing) that support your body and mind.

Then, a new two-year-long eclipse series begins to play out in sister signs Aries and Libra — on April 20 and October 14, respectively. These intense solar eclipses/new moons ruled by the cardinal fire sign and the cardinal air sign can spur major change and new beginnings around your sense of self and partnerships. At the same time, an eclipse series that started in late 2021 — which may have overhauled your values, self-love, and intimate bonds — will wrap up. Those game-changing lunar eclipses take place on May 5 in the fixed water sign Scorpio and October 28 in the fixed earth sign Taurus.

Finally, on May 16, Jupiter (the planet of fortune, expansion, and abundance) moves into Taurus for the first time since 2011/2012. You can expect the event to amplify your desire to prioritise self-care and self-pampering while embracing a slow, steady, sensual approach to fitness. (More on that in a moment.)

How 2023’s astrological events will affect your mind, body, and spirit

Here’s how the planetary movements of the coming year will set fitness trends and inform everyone’s pursuit of bolstered wellness.

astrological events
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Physical health

Taskmaster Saturn oversees responsibilities, boundaries, and the work you do to achieve long-term rewards. While the planet is in Pisces from March 7, 2023, to May 24, 2025, you could be inspired to move toward your fitness goals in a far more spiritual way. Instead of compartmentalising how you care for your emotional health and physical well-being, you have the opportunity to see how the two overlap and fuel one another. Practices that nurture both side-by-side — such as yoga or dance — could be particularly rewarding, especially for Pisceans themselves and the other mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius.

Look to the period around April 20 as a moment in which you can embrace a massive shift that leads to bolstered vitality, thanks to the solar eclipse and new moon in Aries. After all, the Ram — ruled by action-oriented Mars — is one of the most physical and high-energy signs. People with their big three or six in Aries or any of the other cardinal signs — Cancer, Libra, Capricorn — will feel this one more than others.

And with go-big-or-go-home Jupiter in sensual Taurus from May 16, 2023, to May 25, 2024, this year is all about more massages, foam rolling, and aromatherapy. Everyone — but especially Taureans themselves and the other fixed signs, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius — will do well to look to Taurean wellness icons like Lizzo and Adele for cues on how to step into and take advantage of this energy.

Mental well-being

Though they might cause stress thanks to delayed travel plans or crossed wires, Mercury retrogrades present everyone — no matter your natal chart — with a chance to go inward and reimagine how you’re tending to your mental health.

While Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn from December 29, 2022, to January 18, 2023, folks with their rising sign (the sign that was ascending on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth and represents your external self) in Aquarius have a particularly unique opportunity to bolster mental health: the backspin falls in their twelfth house of spirituality. Then, from April 21 to May 14, Mercury retrograde in Taurus offers Gemini risings the same opportunity to nurture their mental energy.

From August 23 to September 15, Mercury retrograde in Virgo presents Libra risings with the chance to go back to the drawing board to edit their approach to mental well-being. And from December 13 to January 1, 2024, Capricorn risings get the very same green light.

Personal growth

With Mars and Mercury both retrograde at the start of the year, setting an overly ambitious resolution right out the gate could backfire. Even if you’re absolutely certain of what you want to achieve, having to contend with underlying anger (a hallmark of Mars retrograde) and misunderstandings and glitchiness (a signature of Mercury retrograde) could make you feel less than supported in your efforts. This may be especially the case for Mercury-ruled, mutable signs Gemini and Virgo, as well as driven cardinal earth sign Capricorn.

Thankfully, beginning 2023 with a more self-reflective vibe and emphasising inner work for the first few months of the year can lay a solid groundwork for achieving even the loftiest aspirations. That same lesson is emphasised by the eclipse series that concludes this year in fixed earth sign Taurus and fixed water sign Scorpio, both of which know the value of honing your sense of inner security in order to create and enact a methodical, winning game plan. Still, you’ll do well to partner with others to help you hit your wellness goals, particularly when the solar eclipse in Libra occurs in October.

How to use astrological events to make the most of 2023

With several major planetary shifts, a slew of retrogrades, and a brand new eclipse series beginning this year, there’s a lot of runway to get your wellness intentions off the ground. Here are several must-know tips, no matter your natal chart.

Build a wellness plan centred on mindfulness

Image Credit: Milada Vigerova/Pexels

This tip can be especially tough for passionate fire signs and buzzy air signs. But with taskmaster Saturn in dreamy, emotional Pisces from March 7 and fortune-bringing Jupiter in resolute, often careless Taurus from May 16 through the rest of the year, you’re best off steering away from an impulsive or particularly aggressive approach to fitness, mental health, or personal growth.

Instead, you’ll get a lot further by connecting the dots between what’s going on in your heart (read: how you’re feeling) and in your head (read: what you need physically). Consider experimenting with more meditative, mindful practices and slowed-down routines, such as stretch sessions, Pilates, acupuncture, or sound baths.

Prioritise fun and self-expression

Venus will be retrograde in Leo, the fixed fire sign associated with the fifth house of self-expression and romance, from July 22 to September 3. And this event presents a chance to think about how you’re owning your voice and finding moments for playfulness. If you’ve been struggling to ask for modifications in a group fitness class or can’t gather the courage to tell your personal trainer that you aren’t enjoying your sessions anymore, the planet of pleasure’s mid-year backspin can empower you to open up about what you need to feel more balanced — and empowered. Plus, it’ll give you the confidence to add more energising dance breaks into your workday and try a new pottery class that relaxes your stressed-out mind.

Hone your adaptability

Because Jupiter magnifies everything it comes in contact with, its trip through fixed Taurus will emphasise the earth sign’s tendency to stick to a particular course of action at all costs. While determination and commitment are often applause-worthy traits, Taurus often runs the risk of staying on a track that’s going nowhere, simply because they’re comfortable and averse to change.

The best counter to this potential pitfall: adopt a more flexible, adaptable mindset. In 2023, be willing to switch up your game plan if it’s apparent that your strategy — be it a membership to a streaming fitness platform, a workout split you set months ago, or a Bumble conversation opener you’re using to meet your soulmate or future BFF — just isn’t panning out.

Partner up

The first eclipse in the cardinal air sign Libra since March 23, 2016, falls on October 14, 2023. Ruled by Venus (the planet of relationships), Libra is also associated with the seventh house of partnership, so this year can very much be about exploring your one-on-one bonds and finding new ways to parlay these alliances toward hitting your wellness goals. You might find having a workout buddy or trainer is exactly what’s been missing from your fitness game plan. And developing deeper friendships with acquaintances may prove beneficial for your mental well-being.

Recognise your own needs

On April 20, 2023, a solar eclipse in Aries, a cardinal fire sign ruled by Mars (the planet associated with the first house of self). While Libra teaches the value of partnership, Aries encourages you to trust your gut and to own your instincts. So, in mid-April, tune into — and then stand strong with — your own personal vision and ambitions. No matter what your well-intentioned friends and family say to discourage you, don’t be afraid to take the leap on a new hobby or sport, make a career change, or go all-in on your blossoming relationship. It could be the key to igniting a thrilling, fulfilling new narrative for your overall well-being.

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